A New Wave Of AI-Powered Innovation To Transform Banking

Conversational banking systems can help resolve a number of problems that are common in the traditional banking system, including

  • Long wait times hours.
  • Limited accessibility satisfaction
  • Poor customer service
  • Complex banking procedures
  • Inefficient manual processes

Overall, the Verismart platform can help you by providing customers with a more convenient, accessible, and efficient banking experience.

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What Stats Says?

Digital Banking has to step up its game and reform its business models to increase efficiency while retaining customer loyalty. Stats show that

  • 32% of Banks have already adopted AI and chatbots into their operations
  • 35% of Banking & Financial service companies save in customer support costs through Chatbot integration
  • 43% of customers deal with their banking problems by using a ChatBot

According to the opinion of 57% of surveyed companies, by 2023

  • $7.3B of the operational cost will be saved using chatbots in the banking sector
  • The use of these tools may help financial companies save up to $7.3 billion in operational costs
  • The use of conversational AI and chatbots can increase ROI with minimal effort
  • AI can save the banking & finance industry more than USD 1 trillion by 2030

How to use it across channels?

Chatbots, texting, video & voice calls and co-browsing — conversational banking involves diverse digital tools that prioritize customer engagement and promote productive conversation between client and agent.